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Get multiple quotations for comparison, renew road tax easily and get door-step delivery, free reminders on due dates of motor insurance, get rewards ( loyalty points ) for passing referrals.
After the motor insurance rates were liberalised effective from 1st July 2017, the motor insurance premium rates are no longer standardised across insurance industry. Insurance / takaful companies would start upgrading their products and adjusting their prices in order to win your business.
Hence, it makes sense you start comparing insurance companies’ quotations before buying any motor insurance cover. Besides having the potentials of saving money via our service, you will also gain these wonderful benefits from us as well.
- Get free reminders on policy renewals. You won’t miss your renewal of road tax and policy in future!!
- Earn loyalty points for each referee who buy insurance from us. You can use these loyalty points for offsetting your future administration cost and premium partially. From now on, you are rewarded for helping your family members and loved ones!!
- Access our internal resources 24/7 via our cutting-edge ChatBot.
- Update your claim status on / off-line after receiving your claim notification.
- Road tax renewal with fast delivery reaching your home or office.
- Provide information of your vehicle on first year only. We would take care the rest on subsequent renewals. No more hassles of providing same information over and over again, even when changing insurance company on future policy renewal!!
- Create a client account for you to keep policy information, i.e. previous quotations, reminders, claim documents etc. In short, all essential information on your policy is just few clicks away!!
- Provide links to useful websites within our website i.e. jpj, mycarinfo etc.
- Update you on any major changes of motor insurance market and useful newsletters periodically. Smarter and well-informed buyers always make better decisions!!
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Popular Help Topics
- Liberalisation of Motor Insurance/Takaful
- Road Safety Tips
- Flood Damaged Car Checklist
- What To Do When Car Breaks Down
- Mistakes When Buying Car Insurance
Liberalisation of Motor Insurance/Takaful
Source: PIAM & MTA
For more information:
Disclaimer: This video is produced by PIAM & MTA as part of the National Consumer Education Campaign (NCEC) on the Phased Liberalisation of the Fire & Motor Tariffs and intended to be used as a guide only.
Road accident is one of the main reasons a lot of Malaysians losing their precious lives.
Don’t become part of these saddening statistics!! ( partly we don’t want to lose our customers )
Take these simple steps from now on and minimize your accident risks, even though we understand it is not possible to get rid of this risk completely.
Road Safety Tips:
- Wear seat-belt and which is required by laws anyway, you could find a better way to contribute our beloved country financially, paying traffic summons isn’t the best idea.
- Don’t use mobile phone while driving, even using “hand-free” devices cannot eliminate distractions totally.
- Take a 15-minute-break for every 200km or 2 hours, whenever you are driving long journey, as tiredness is one of the major reasons of causing car accidents.
- Use car seat when you have young passenger.
- Don’t drink alcohol and drive.
- Always keep a safe distance from the front vehicle.
- Ensure vehicle is roadworthy with regular maintenance.
- Do not overload vehicle ( another good reason cut body weight !! )
- Be visible when driving in the dark, get the lights on. (rest assured, no electricity bill)
- Overtake other vehicle only when it is absolutely safe to do so.
- Be a polite road user and don’t retaliate when you are challenged by others.
What to do with my car after damaging by flood?
Please use the following checklist as your guidance.
Assess the extent of damage
Check the watermark left behind on your vehicle after flood receded, if it is just 1 or 2 feet above ground, probably, the damage is still manageable. Once the watermark reaching below dashboard, maybe the vehicle has sustained great damages.
Take photos and video as part of the evidence of your loss. Keep in mind, you must do so without compromising your own safety.- Do not start car engine
When you start engine and water goes into engine, it will cause more damages. You may assess the condition of engine, by checking the engine oil dipstick. If you find any water droplets on dipstick, probably the cylinders are broken already. - Drying out vehicle immediately
Start drying out by putting towel to soak up water, opening doors and windows. To prevent moulds forming in the interior of vehicle. Use wet / dry vacuum cleaner to speed up the process if possible. - Contact panel workshop associated with your insurance / takaful company.
– Damaged vehicle should be towed back to panel workshop and checked by professional mechanic.
– Engine oil and transmission fluids might be drained out before towing.
– Fuel tank might be emptied as well.
– Electrical components would be examined.Note : standard Comprehensive Motor Cover does not include protection against losses causing by flood. Check your motor policy and find out if your vehicle is insured with add-on benefit, which covers such losses. - Loss adjuster examining flood-damaged vehicle
In most cases, the cost of fixing the damaged engines, electrical, and computer parts, and interiors (for moulds, moistures, or corrosions), not to mention the possible long term corrosion and electrical damage, is too high to warrant repairs. Hence, the vehicle might end up declaring as “total loss” from insurance viewpoint.
On the other hand, if your vehicle is uninsured against flood risks, likely you need to consider the estimated repairs cost versus the cost of replacing your vehicle.
What To Do When Car Breaks Down On The Road
According to astronomers, Sun will stop working one day ( don’t get panic ), this day will come only after billions of years away from now.
As such it is a wishful thinking, if we assume our cars would work tirelessly without facing any risk of breaking down forever.
In the event our cars showing any signs of breaking down on the road, we should take the following steps for safeguarding our own safety.
- Pull Off Our Cars To Safe Location.
Do not brake our car with hard and sudden way. Smoothly take foot off from accelerator, and let the momentum moving the car towards the breakdown or emergency lane on left side.Both driver and passengers should exit car from left doors, away from the moving traffic. Never stand in front or behind vehicle, in addition, it is also unsafe sitting inside the car while waiting for assistance. Ideally, we should wait behind road barrier.If you cannot exit your car due to safety, vulnerable situations or any other reasons, keep your car’s windows and doors locked and tie your seat belt.Don’t let car engine continues running for long period, in order to avoid the poisoning of carbon monoxide.When you sense your personal safety is under threat, call for police. Honk your car’s horn rapidly and repeatedly, also flash the car’s lights to attract the attention of other motorists. - Make Our Cars Visible.
If you cannot pull off the car to safe location, turn on hazard lights immediately.You could put warning triangle and cones, one about 10 feet from the car, another further away. Make sure it is safe to do when placing triangles and cones.Raise car’s hood, so that other motorists noticing the car breakdown situation. - Call For Help
– Inform call centre which mobile phone number you can be contacted.
– Share the location of breakdown.
– Description of your car.
– The nature of breakdown ( if you know )
– Provide additional information, i.e. large number of passengers, infant, medical needs etc.InsureSavvy has also provided a Roadside Assistance Button for assisting you in the event of car breakdown, please visit our website : or use its chatbot.
Common Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Motor Insurance / Takaful Plan
No one is spared from making any mistakes in life. What’s really counts is, we must stop repeating them in future.
Back to our business, as part of our efforts in creating a savvy insurance community, we want you to become a smart insurance buyer by avoiding these mistakes altogether.
- Fail To Do Comparison
After the liberalization of motor insurance rates, you would see more and more differences in terms prices and scope of cover.Therefore, you are advised to get at least 3 quotations, and start comparing prices and understanding information of each quotation that you receive. This simple step should become part of your buying habit from now on.InsureSavvy can do the legworks for you without charging you anything. - Disclose Insurance History or Truths PartiallyYou must disclose and answer questions truthfully, i.e. history of claims, history of
modifying engines and cars.Otherwise, insurance / takaful company could reserve their rights of declining your claims, due to the non-disclosure of important facts. - Fail To Understand Own NeedsYou should consider carefully your needs and suitability of insurance cover, instead of focusing on premium alone.For example, when your vehicle is parked at theft or flood-prone areas regularly, it makes sense for getting yourself a proper motor insurance / takaful cover, so you are wellprotected against these potential losses.It always good to adopt the philosophy of being safe than sorry.
- Do Not Understand Own Policy CoverYou should know the scopes of policy cover and their limitations too.
Do not assume everything is covered, and only finding out certain risks are excluded later.To address this concern, we have kept a lot of useful information for sharing and
upgrading your knowledge on motor insurance cover.
Feel free to use our Chat Bot, just few clicks away!!Rest assured, we have tried our best to minimise the usage of insurance jargons and make the information understandable from viewpoints of lay persons. We are fully aware that reading materials of insurance, very often, is considered as interesting as watching paints drying on wall, so we’ll ease your pains by making these reading materials, simpler, yet not simplistic.